
Act, Ms President-elect! Act, dear readers.
The 144th IOC Session has come to an end. And because it was so pleasurable in the luxurious Greek resort, the IOC decided to return to the next luxury resort for the 2027 session: the Lopesan Costa Bavaro Resort, Spa & Casino, Punta Cana. Money is no object, after all.

Act, Ms President-elect! Act, dear readers.
The 144th IOC Session has come to an end. And because it was so pleasurable in the luxurious Greek resort, the IOC decided to return to the next luxury resort for the 2027 session: the Lopesan Costa Bavaro Resort, Spa & Casino, Punta Cana. Money is no object, after all.

Tommy's Girl (2): President-elect Kirsty Coventry
The first female president in the 131-year history of the IOC is Kirsty Coventry, a 41-year-old two-time Olympic champion from Zimbabwe. Kirsty Coventry is the president Thomas Bach wanted. Because Bach is convinced that Coventry is the best person to administer his legacy.

La noche de las noches
Samaranch or Coventry, that is the question. Coe was not only thwarted, his performance remained surprisingly poor, as if he himself had never believed in becoming IOC president. Lappartient, Watanabe, Eliasch and Feisal just don't want to come in last. The water level report.

Olympic Horror: when condoms are referred to as working tools
A whistleblower claims to be bullied and sexually harassed by several IOC members and other senior officials over more than a decade. A number of IOC members and directors, the secretary general and president Thomas Bach have been informed about the incidents. The victim received no help.

Tommy's Girl
Why Kirsty Coventry will become IOC president next week. What would have to happen to prevent it – an ethics complaint against Bach et al, for example. What the latest multi-billion dollar TV deal has to do with the election, and the dubious paths that led Coventry in the IOC in the first place.

WADA is castrating the freedom of the press
The World Anti-Doping Agency continues its war against the free press. For the WADA symposium in Lausanne next week, strict limits are being set for the (few) journalists. Among other things, social media posts that displease the WADA saints will be punished with the withdrawal of accreditation.

IOC Presidential Index (III): Samaranch, the next chapter
There are not even ten full days to go to the election of the 10th president in the history of the International Olympic Committee. Nobody should completely rule out the option of the first female president, even if there is increasing resistance to the plans to install Kirsty Coventry.

Exclusive: all 21,864 first round matches of the FIFA World Cup™ 2030
This is the most beautiful, longest and most exclusive article you have ever seen. We can reveal, thanks to our sources in the White House, the schedule of the FIFA World Cup™ 2030, the most beautiful, biggest and longest of all time! Please be patient, the web server will be pushed to its limits.

At a crossroads in olympic history. It is time to act.
The world is out of joint. So far, the fascist madness in the White House has had little direct impact on the Olympic system. But let's not fool ourselves: what despots, billionaires, warmongers and Nazis do will also have a lasting impact on organized Olympic sport.

How FIFA corruption works
In the podcast "How Crime Works", whistleblower Bonita Mersiades once again explained the FIFA system. Not much has changed in FIFA since the corrupt World Cup decisions on 2 December 2010 and the arrests on 27 May 2015 – FIFA is still labelled by several characteristics of a criminal organisation.

Olympic status quo (3): IOC directors earn more money than athletes, Olympic champions – and more than any IF
The salaries of the IOC directors remain exorbitantly high. Frontrunner Christophe Dubi gets more than Christophe De Kepper. More than $50m are paid in the four-year cycle – most likely several millions more. Read the full list for 2023. And: Jacqueline Barrett passes the baton to Mattias Kaestner.

Is Hockey president Tayyab Ikram collecting hundreds of thousands of dollars in illegal commissions from the Olympic Solidarity fund?
The corruption allegations against the president of the Fédération Internationale de Hockey (FIH) are serious and bizarre. The case affects not only the FIH, but also OCA, as well as the IOC's core business: Olympic Solidarity. And here, as with several other IFs, the IOC is not taking action.

Naming and shaming (1): BDO Switzerland and the disgraceful support for FIFA
Today marks the beginning of a very long series: in a loose sequence, companies and people will be presented who work as henchmen, propagandists and other helpers for corrupt sports officials, mafia-like sports organisations and sports rogue states – for princely fees. Part 1: BDO.

Thomas Bach: IOC god with a German diplomatic passport threatens the democratically elected German government
The IOC president announces that a German bid for the Olympics has no chance as long as Germany does not submit to the IOC demands and guarantee Vladimir Putin's state athletes full freedom of movement. The DOSB, just recently under SPD control, has already hired a former CDU politician.

IOC Presidential Index (II), what Thomas Bach and his servants want to prevent: ranking and aptitude test
The IOC has further tightened the rules for the presidential election campaign and made them absurd beyond recognition. Debates are prohibited. Questions in the IOC plenary not allowed. This index compares and checks the suitability of the candidates – everything that the IOC leadership prohibits.

Fact check: the lies told by the DOSB, German sport officials and politicians about Berlin's suitability for the Olympics
Are you sitting comfortably? Please take a deep breath. Make sure you can't fall out of your chair – and read the naked truth about Berlin's ability of hosting the Olympics. Facts, nothing but facts. So not what the DOSB and German politicians and some dubious lobbyists are telling you.

2036 Olympics alert to Doha, Budapest, Istanbul et al: India expects to reach its goal as early as spring 2025
There are growing signs that the Indian government and the Modigarchs are counting on being chosen to host the 2036 Summer Olympics as early as the first half of 2025. One piece of the mosaic after the other is coming to light – for example, this...

IOC presidential alert: Lord Coe's trip to India and the fight against the unholy alliance of Ambani & Bach and their lapdog Kirsty Coventry
Yesterday Budapest, tonight Dubai and tomorrow India – first in New Delhi, then in Mumbai in the evening. Sebastian Coe is very busy. He not only makes trips as president of World Athletics, it is always about the IOC presidency, and in the case of Hungary and India, also about Olympic bids.
Last call: Black Friday Week for investigative Olympic journalism
Conquer your guilty conscience. Don't just read along here. No more fare evasion! Do something for the public, finance our research and Olympic education. And: more disastrous news about Germany's NOC and the so-called Olympic Bid.

IF elections: men-only, autocrats, power struggles, manipulations and removal boxes
Part 1: A third of the presidential posts in summer Olympic IFs will be filled by December. So far, it's been a man's world: two fake presidents, five incumbents, three new bosses and the big question of whether Alisher Usmanov, who is sanctioned in three dozen nations, will lead the FIE again.
Black Friday Week for investigative Olympic journalism
Conquer your guilty conscience. Don't just read along here. No more fare evasion! Do something for the public, finance our research and Olympic education.

The darling of Shiny and Lying Klaus, who lost 50:51 and still became UIPM president
Modern Pentathlon has the boss it deserves, after a strange election that fits the location of Riyadh perfectly: US-American Robert Stull, previously known for some dubious business practices, was "elected" president with the support of SG Shiny Fang and Frequent Traveller Monarch Klaus Schormann.

Pentathlon leadership in the sights of law enforcement authorities
Welcome to the UIPM congress! Decades of dubious Olympic deals in World Pentathlon could have serious legal consequences: an explosive secret report about the machinations of UIPM executives is being examined by criminal authorities, tax investigators and anti-corruption units in several countries.

Usmanov's important confidant in fencing, feared by many: Vitaly Logvin, a Soviet-Uzbek-Mexican string-puller
He is the oligarch's all-purpose weapon in the Fédération Internationale d'Escrime (FIE). His CV is at least as interesting and controversial as his reputation. You must get to know Vitaly Logvin Grechuhin, shortly before FIE's election congress in his and Alisher Usmanov's hometown of Tashkent.

Tribunal ends attempts by aquatics president António Silva to delay his dismissal in integrity dispute
Latest ruling is likely to lead to the reopening of a complaint against Silva placed on ice by the Aquatics Integrity Unit in January after attempts to further delay an order for the FPN to dismiss Silva were thrown out due to the "supervening futility of the dispute".

9 November 1989: what the opportunists and perpetrators of corrupt Olympic systems must learn from the fall of the Berlin Wall
On this anniversary, the executives and employees of the IOC, World Aquatics, Fencing, Triathlon, Pentathlon and many other suspiciously opaque organisations – along with their servile, highly paid legal and propaganda minions, mostly from Switzerland and the UK – should take a lesson in democracy.

German NOC in crisis mode: thirty per cent less money from the IOC for 2025-2028
At a board meeting, DOSB discussed a ‘worst-case scenario’ and is looking for solutions for several million euros that will soon be lost due to a reduction in IOC royalties of around 30 per cent. On another topic: there are, of course, still no concepts and budgets for the so-called Olympic bid.

Klaus Schormann and Shiny Fang are looking for moles: "help us to identify the source of these leaks"
Part V: At 3 p.m., in just a few minutes, UIPM monarch Klaus Schormann and his secretary general Shiny Fang will meet with IOC boss Thomas Bach. You, dear readers, are not supposed to know about this meeting – and you should not read the following email that Fang has just sent out. Voilà...

HON Circle Monarch Klaus Schormann visits Thomas Bach
On 7 November, UIPM president Klaus Schormann will be the IOC's president's guest at the Olympic House at 3 p.m. Shortly afterwards, he will fly to Saudi Arabia for 8 days and wants to come back as HON president. I have prepared a list of questions that IOC boss Bach should definitely ask Schormann.

IOC Presidential Index (I): clear lead, surprising bottom of the league
Do you like Excel spreadsheets? Are you interested in statistics and fascinated by the question of how sport politics can be translated into forecasts? Here you go: the ranking of the 7 candidates for the IOC election in 2025. In a similar way, I predicted the 2013 result quite accurately.

Trading in Olympic accreditations and upgrade cards? What UIPM monarch Schormann claims to his fellow board members
Part III: Before we take a deeper look at further documents, contracts and machinations from the UIPM, let us briefly read an email in which monarch Klaus Schormann tries to explain certain events to his colleagues on the Executive Board – let us check whether his assertions are correct.

Moving Olympic cricket from Los Angeles to New York: the interests of Wasserman and Ambani
LA 28 chair acquired leading cricket talent agency on the same week the sport was officially added to Olympic program. Indian billionaire controls possible venue to host Olympic cricket... and much more about Olympic sponsorship, TV rights, an Olympic bid and the Reliance conglomerate.

Ethics complaint against UIPM monarch Schormann for "acting corruptly" and improper influence on "the result of any UIPM election"
Part II: For months, an explosive ethics complaint has been filed against the UIPM president, which is receiving special treatment and being kept secret. This casts the strange events surrounding treasurer John Helmick in Paris in a new light and could have been an act of perfidious revenge.

The notorious practices of UIPM monarch Klaus Schormann (I): the trade in Olympic accreditation, disguised as sponsor contracts
Part I: Read the original of a so-called sponsor contract that Klaus Schormann, in violation of the UIPM statutes, signed on his own authority, with a strange consulting firm whose owner had just been convicted of tax fraud and went to prison shortly after the contract was signed.

New witnesses and chat protocols on World Triathlon scam: "the whole election was rigged!"
Before I turn your attention to another Olympic IF scandal (stay tuned) and report on ANOC's General Assembly in Portugal this week, I don't want to withhold some developments on the obvious election fraud at World Triathlon – with ICAS vice president Antonio Arimany in the center of the conspiracy.

The heat is on: World Triathlon, the fake elections, the fake president, fake leadership and those responsible for widespread collusion
THE TIMES has taken up the reporting on the dubious events in World Triathlon. Other media will follow. THE TIMES reports additionally, that a former candidate has lodged a complaint of bullying and threatened to withdraw from the presidential race.

Mafia culture in World Triathlon covered by the Olympic family through inaction
The fake elections have so far no consequences for those who organised the swindle and are its biggest beneficiaries. There are calls for new elections while the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS), of which fake Triathlon boss Antonio Arimany is Vice President, endorses the scam by inaction. Q&A.

World Triathlon: fake president, fake elections, fake oversight
Since we broke the story, more witnesses have come forward to confirm the widespread election collusion at World Triathlon. We have names, documents (as exclusively published), photos and video footage. Is there anyone in Triathlon and the Olympic family willing to stop this madness? The athletes?

Triathlon documents raise fears of vote-rigging
In the elections of World Triathlon, the desired results were already distributed before and during Congress. The two-page list suggests illegal collusion and complete manipulation. The new president Antonio Arimany claims that he was not involved in the dubious events and has no knowledge of them.

"Unholy alliances, dodgy deals and dirty tricks": World Triathlon has the president it deserves
As outlined yesterday, the Spaniard Antonio Arimany was elected today as the third president in the history of the young Olympic Triathlon federation, following an election campaign that was characterised by "collusion, pressure and coercion to manipulate", according to his challengers.

Groundhog Day in World Triathlon: "collusion, pressure and coercion to manipulate" the presidential election
In the next weeks, several presidential posts in Olympic IF will be filled. The first decision will be taken at World Triathlon Congress in Spain on 21 October. Three presidential candidates complained to IOC president Thomas Bach about the dubious machinations of the Spanish Triathlon leadership.

Boxing at the Olympics? The IOC enters the final battle
In a letter to 206 National Olympic Committees, the IOC stated that national boxing federations that remain members of the International Boxing Association (IBA), will lose all rights. The NOCs are not to maintain any relations with these boxing federations. That is the game changer.

Legal Olympic shell game tricks: the seven candidates to succeed IOC president Thomas Bach
A few surprises and deliberate confusion are guaranteed by the IOC rules and what feels like a thousand possible exceptions. But the list of candidates for the presidency has been finalised. One woman and six men want to take the Olympic throne next spring.

The first female IOC president will be Nawal El Moutawakel if ...
... she submits her candidature by Sunday. Go ahead and bet while the odds are still attractive. Could anybody beat the Moroccan? Nicole Hoevertsz? At least nobody would have to talk anymore about the non-transparent IOC rules and the strange opinions of a dubious IOC Ethics Commission.

The billion-euro project: the big lie about Berlin's suitability for the Olympics
Berlin wants to host the 2040 Olympics as the centre of a German bid. Politicians claim, the city has almost all the sports facilities. Yet the German NOC only lists 12 suitable locations in Berlin - and even that is an exaggeration. Roughly half of them are suitable for the Olympics.

Smile at your peril: North Korea assesses ideological weaknesses of Olympic athletes
DPRK athletes endure rigorous checks for potential contamination by foreign influences. The selfie of table tennis medalists from North Korea, South Korea and China was widely regarded as one of the top Olympic moments in Paris. In North Korea, it could lead to severe consequences for the athletes.

Seine-sational: the insanely arrogant lack of transparency of the Olympic UIPM and its 'internal investigations' into a possible corruption case
UIPM board member and treasurer John Helmick, son of former corrupt IOC member Robert Helmick, was sent home from Paris. The pentathlon official is alleged to have traded in accreditations on his own account. UIPM president Klaus Schormann refuses to answer specific questions about the case.

The race is on: "I am the right IOC president because …"
Thrilling times ahead of us. Important decisions are being made for the future of Olympic sport - everything is interwoven: the IOC presidency, the Russia issue, Saudi Arabia 2034, the 2036 and 2040 Olympics, the 2030 and 2038 Winter Games, WADA ... there could be landslide changes.

"New times are calling for new leaders". Thomas Bach respects the Olympic Charter and steps down in 2025
The IOC will have its tenth president or its first female president next year. Elections will be held at the session in Greece in March. In June, Thomas Bach will hand over the Olympic sceptre in rotation after twelve years.

Manizha Talash, Yemisi Ogunleye, Imane Khelif, the pathetically cowardly Thomas Bach, Denis Oswald and the question: what is (Olympic) propaganda?
About the IOC's non-transparent disciplinary commission, the decision of commission chair Denis Oswald to caution a courageous Afghan woman, which in turn led to her disqualification by the world federation - and about other practices under the Great Olympic Leader.

IOC president Bach on future bids: "We are not ready to sell the Olympic Games to the highest bidder"
Saudi Arabia, India and Qatar are known to be in the mix among several nations vying to host the next available Summer Games in 2036. The IOC is considering changing Summer Games to autumn due to climate change.

UIPM body investigates its treasurer John Helmick, who had to leave Paris at lightning speed
The Union Internationale de Pentathlon Moderne (UIPM) is once again creating bad news. John Helmick, son of a former IOC vice president and ally of UIPM Supremo Klaus Schormann, who has been in office for 31 years, has had his Paris accreditation withdrawn. The case raises many questions.

How Paris hid its homeless and migrants during the Games
In its desire to "clean" Paris, the French authorities have hidden from the eyes of cameras and tourists more than 160 homeless people and migrants in a gymnasium in the 20th arrondissement of the capital.

Reading between the lines and mirrors
Crazy Monday: Putin's henchman Kremlev at the IBA, Rodchenkov on Russia's Wanted List, the cowardly irresponsibility of the IOC and one of the most bizarre press conferences of all time.

Stepanovs: Russian whistleblowers likely have to wait for US asylum beyond 2030
The CEO of USADA urges the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services to expedite Yuliya and Vitaly Stepanov’s 2016 application for asylum in the US after WADA and the international Olympic sport failed to help the Russian couple.

The case Imane Khelif: this is the Kremlin speaking
Russia's will and IOC' gigantic failure: The IOC should have been better prepared, first and foremost to protect the athletes involved and to ensure the integrity of the Olympic competition. That did not happen. The victims are, as always, the athletes.

Swedish NOC on IOC's dubious Winter Games decisions: "The rules of the game have clearly been changed here"
Why does the IOC have other Olympic bid rules for France than for Sweden? The Swedish NOC president Hans von Uthman notes that the lack of state guarantees were used as an argument to exclude Sweden from the 2030 bidding process but let France and its half-baked French Alps project win.

Doping in China, doubt as an order and whataboutism: we have lost if we stop asking questions
About doping, doping reporting, the differences between Rogge and Bach … whether in journalism or in the investigative bodies with lots of money, the key question is always: you just have to want it. But anyone who defends CHINADA reports and doesn't ask any questions has lost.

The IOC presidency and the future of Thomas Bach: will he stay or will he stay?
Will Thomas Bach have the Olympic Charter amended and begin a third term in office? Will he even step down once in this millennium? Who has he chosen as his successor? Many questions, important background information and some answers.

Olympic Games 2036: Al-Thani vs Ambani. Advantage Qatar.
During the memorable IOC session 2023 in Ambani Town, it looked like the 2036 Olympics would be awarded to India by the IOC with a vengeance. In the meantime, things are looking different. Qatar's Emir Tamim is trying everything to outdo the Ambanis. The decision could be made as early as 2025.