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Constructive investigations – and what you can do

In THE INQUISITOR team, we are convinced that there can be no better constructive journalism than investigative research and the most detailed coverage possible – based on documents. For everything else, there are the ever-growing PR and propaganda departments of the Olympic organisations.

Dear readers, you may have heard of a type of journalism called constructive journalism. The core of this so-called constructive journalism lies in informing the target group about possible solutions to problems. We in THE INQUISITOR team are convinced that the first step towards solutions must always be to investigate, uncover facts, publish documents and analyse them in a first-class manner. We are certainly endeavouring to do so.

Now take a look at the headlines and teasers of some our articles from the past two weeks. A simple screenshot, above, doesn't look particularly constructive, does it?

Insane. Frightening. Alarming.

"Corruption allegations against the president of World Aquatics", "prosecutors call for a jail sentence for the former president of the International Biathlon Union", a commission of enquiry gives French sport a damning report on its way to Paris 2024 ("omerta at all levels, a rape culture and systemic dysfunctions"), Russian systemic dopers talk their way out of allegedly contaminated "strawberry dessert", and finally, once again from the world of World Aquatics (formerly known as FINA) and European Aquatics (formerly known as LEN): "former FINA vice president convicted of incitement to murder".

On the road to Paris 2024: “omerta at all levels”, a “rape culture” and “systemic dysfunctions” in sport
France’s sport has received an increase in funding for Paris 2024. President Macron wants more medals. France also receives the 2030 Winter Games. The other side of the coin: the sports system is dominated by scandals and mismanagement at all levels, as a breathtaking investigation report documents.
Former FINA vice president convicted of incitement to murder
Tamás Gyárfás, the former vice president of FINA (Fédération Internationale de Natation) and treasurer of LEN (now European Aquatics) was sentenced to seven years in jail by a Budapest court this past week for ordering the murder of a rival businessman.

In case you missed it, here are some links to our latest articles, starting with Lars Jørgensen's summary of the trial against former Mr Biathlon Anders Besseberg, who the prosecution wants to put in jail – and where investigations are continuing in other countries, for example against the marketing giant Infront ...

Nordic Noir (3): the naked truth of Scandinavian sports corruption
The prosecutor in the criminal trial against the former IBU president Anders Besseberg calls for an unconditional sentence of 3 years and 7 months in prison. The verdict will be handed down on 12 April. Besseberg describes himself as the victim of a hounding: like a “wild boar” that must be shot.

… which apparently pursues similar business practices to the once gigantic Olympic bribery system of ISL/ISMM, which has shaped world sport.

And it is not far from ISL/ISMM and the at least CHF 142m in bribes paid to Olympic officials, which have been proven in court, to the sad topic of the bribe payer Husain Al-Musallam, president of World Aquatics, and his dubious, possibly criminal practices in the realm of the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA). Al-Musallam's predecessor as OCA's director general was, you guessed it, on the ISL/ISMM slush list.

Kuwait sports authority calls for criminal investigation against top Olympic official Husain Al-Musallam
Did Husain Al-Musallam, president of World Aquatics, award a company owned by his wife and children a contract worth millions from public funds? Kuwait’s sports authority has handed the case over to the public prosecutor’s office. Did he also provide for his family from OCA accounts?
Groundhog Day: the next corruption allegations against the president of World Aquatics
He calls himself Captain Aqua. Husain Al-Musallam has been linked to a series of dubious dealings. The Kuwaiti was exposed as a bribe payer in FIFA criminal proceedings as the sidekick of the convicted Olympic Sheikh Al-Sabah – and is now once again accused of shady deals.
IOC vs Al-Sabah brothers: the end of the Kuwait empire
Exclusive: the (non-independent) IOC Ethics Commission opens proceedings against Sheikh Ahmad. A district court in Lausanne dismisses a complaint by Sheikh Talal. Read the complete document of the IOC here.

Get ready for new documents in this Captain Aqua crime story – as early as this weekend.

It's not a history channel.

Let's face the truth: it's a lived Olympic reality.

In THE INQUISITOR team, we are currently only able to provide a minimal excerpt from the largely corrupt and in some parts criminal Olympic world. We understand if those of you who work in sport and read these lines recoil in disgust and say: but that's not me, that's not my world.

Incidentally, one of the many dysfunctional features of this parallel society is this issue: in one Olympiad, IOC directors receive more money than all Olympic athletes and Olympic champions receive as bonuses from Olympic marketing revenue – they also receive more money in these four years than every single Olympic federation.

Olympic status quo: IOC directors earn more money than athletes, Olympic champions – and more than any IF
The salaries of the directors of the International Olympic Committee remain exorbitantly high. Around $50 millions are paid over the four-year cycle - probably several millions more. Read the full list for 2022 after we published it last autumn for 2021.

I deliberately write: these directors get/receive more money, I do not write that they deserve it.

In THE INQUISITOR team, we are convinced that there can be no more constructive journalism than investigative research and the most detailed coverage possible – based on documents.

For everything else, there are the ever-growing PR and propaganda departments of the Olympic organisations. For everything else, there are so-called Young Reporter Programmes where journalists are trained into the system at a young age by mentors who have long since left their role as journalists – sometimes this manifests itself in these journalists taking part in the Olympic torch relay and being celebrated by their peers.

But all this is no longer journalism. Not even constructive journalism. It doesn't solve any problems. It is a part of the problem.

Journalists, sources and whistleblowers who are interested in constructive solutions in the interests of society – i.e. above all in uncovering and first-class analyses based on documents – have always been vilified in the Olympic system as naysayers and troublemakers.

What would Andrew Jennings do? He would push this project forward.
The most important investigative Olympic journalist has died in 2022, in the year of the sporting rogue states with mega events in China and Qatar. We honor the legacy of Andrew Jennings with THE INQUISITOR project. Read about decades in which our network has been built. This goes beyond journalism.

But you know what?

We'll just get on with it! And among the many encouraging reactions in the first months of THE INQUISITOR's existence, after the first weeks of regular publications, are these: the number of people from the business, from the Olympic family, who help us with their knowledge and information and co-operate with us in their own way, is growing daily.

That is marvellous. We still have to disappoint some sources because we cannot cope with the flood of problems and topics that need to be investigated and published properly.

It needs time to conduct a proper journalistic inquisition.

Please be patient.

In the next few days, you will read new, sometimes exclusive details about agonising topics: about integrity artists, about so-called ethics commissions and integrity units that do not act and only look for excuses and loopholes in their statutes, about doping systems and, of course, about criminal investigations.

That is constructive. Very much so.

You can support this project with information at any time. But we are also dependent on your subscriptions. Journalists are human beings and have to pay their bills.

So give yourself a jolt, subscribe diligently so that you are always (and hopefully always better) constructively informed!

Please share this newsletter in your networks. Please recommend THE INQUISITOR on all your channels.

Thank you – and kind regards. Stay curious!




How FIFA corruption works

How FIFA corruption works

In the podcast "How Crime Works", whistleblower Bonita Mersiades once again explained the FIFA system. Not much has changed in FIFA since the corrupt World Cup decisions on 2 December 2010 and the arrests on 27 May 2015 – FIFA is still labelled by several characteristics of a criminal organisation.

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