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Last call: Black Friday Week for investigative Olympic journalism

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If you are interested in the latest disastrous developments in the German NOC, you will find a summary of my analysis below.

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German NOC sinking into chaos

Torsten Burmester, CEO of DOSB, once an aide to Gazprom chancellor Gerhard Schröder, is the SPD's candidate for the mayoral election in Cologne. The DOSB reacted with a snide statement: the position will be re-filled. Even President Thomas Weikert will hardly be able to hold on to his position.

Trümmerhaufen DOSB versinkt im Chaos
DOSB-General Torsten Burmester, einst Referent des Gazprom-Kanzlers Gerhard Schröder, ist Kandidat der SPD für die Oberbürgermeister-Wahl in Köln. Der DOSB reagiert mit einer schnippischen Erklärung: Der Posten wird neu besetzt. Auch Präsident Thomas Weikert wird sich kaum im Amt halten können.

A summary of my commentary at SPORT & POLITICS. If you are interested in the topic, you can translate the article in any translator of your choice:

I recently outlined the DOSB's financial problems to you, which are related to the approximately 30 per cent drop in transfers from the IOC. After the alleged German bid for the Olympics, for which there is neither a concept nor a financial concept, has already been characterised by incompetence, intransparency and chaos, the in-house ethics commission had to issue reprimands in another case:

The nomination process for the German candidate for the World Games (Karlsruhe) was characterised by hair-raising lack of transparency, failure at board level and other highly questionable details. The persons responsible for this, above all DOSB President Thomas Weikert and CEO Torsten Burmester, continue to be responsible for the enormously faltering, non-transparent so-called Olympic bid.

As if that weren't enough: today, CEO Burmester became the Social Democrats' candidate for the mayoral election in Cologne, which will take place in 2025. He believes that this can be reconciled with his job at the DOSB, he said in Cologne. The DOSB presidium, on the other hand, has published a statement saying that the CEO position will be filled by a new appointee.

Allegedly, Weikert learned of Burmester's plans from the newspaper.

That's how it works in the DOSB's leadership.

Weikert also has to deal with at least one demand for his resignation. The current escalation will once again trigger a quake. All cards will be reshuffled.

Don't be fooled by propaganda: there can be no talk of a serious Olympic bid. Germany's sports federation is once again preoccupied with itself, the DOSB leadership is fighting for its survival in office, and new elections are due at the federal level next year.

Trümmerhaufen DOSB versinkt im Chaos
DOSB-General Torsten Burmester, einst Referent des Gazprom-Kanzlers Gerhard Schröder, ist Kandidat der SPD für die Oberbürgermeister-Wahl in Köln. Der DOSB reagiert mit einer schnippischen Erklärung: Der Posten wird neu besetzt. Auch Präsident Thomas Weikert wird sich kaum im Amt halten können.



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How FIFA corruption works

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