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Reading between the lines and mirrors

Crazy Monday: Putin's henchman Kremlev at the IBA, Rodchenkov on Russia's Wanted List, the cowardly irresponsibility of the IOC and one of the most bizarre press conferences of all time.

PARIS. A few metres from the establishment chosen by the corrupt International Boxing Association (IBA, formerly known as the totally corrupt AIBA), which has been suspended by the IOC, for its bizarre press conference, there is a location that would have been even more suitable: the Musée Grévin on Boulevard Montmartre in the 9th arrondissement, with the Cabinet Fantastique and more than 250 wax figures as well as the Palais des Mirages.

However, the real-life Vladimir Putin was removed from the wax museum at the beginning of March 2022, just a few days after the Russian invasion of Ukraine. That's kind of stupid, because Putin enjoys god-like status in the IBA, like Thomas Bach in the IOC.

Putin, the Kremlin and Gazprom are almost the same thing, financing the IBA and, by all accounts, a number of national boxing federations, which are only still united under the IBA umbrella for this reason and do not want to switch to the new rival organisation, World Boxing. Although it is clear that only World Boxing can guarantee the future of Olympic boxing. It wasn't just Thomas Bach who said this in Paris on Saturday ...

The case Imane Khelif: this is the Kremlin speaking
Russia’s will and IOC’ gigantic failure: The IOC should have been better prepared, first and foremost to protect the athletes involved and to ensure the integrity of the Olympic competition. That did not happen. The victims are, as always, the athletes.

... James Macleod, Director NOC Relations at the IOC, wrote this in an email to the presidents and general secretaries of all National Olympic Committees back in April 2024:

The IOC is not in a position to organise another Olympic boxing tournament. To keep boxing on the Olympic programme, the IOC needs a recognised and reliable International Federation as a partner, as with all the other Olympic sports.

The establishment of such a federation, which respects the IOC conditions for recognition, is now in the hands of the National Boxing Federations and their National Olympic Committees (NOCs). These conditions include good governance, the integrity of competitions, transparency of finances and accounts, and autonomy. Every National Boxing Federation and every NOC that wants its boxers to make their Olympic dreams a reality and win medals will now have to take the necessary decisions. The NOCs and National Boxing Federations thus hold the future of Olympic boxing in their own hands, and the required actions cannot be clearer.

At the moment, boxing is not on the sports programme for the Olympic Games LA28. In order to remedy this, the IOC needs to have a partner International Federation for boxing by early 2025.

This is another reason why I correctly reported that the IBA has no future. But it is still alive and Umar Kremlev is the president with money from Gazprom and other Kremlin support.

Incidentally, today was also the day on which Putin, the Kremlin or the Ministry of Internal Affairs, is almost the same, put the doping crown witness Grigory Rodchenkov back on the Russian Wanted List.

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