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paris 2024

Revolt of the Olympic working class

Revolt of the Olympic working class

No Olympic athletes went on strike on the day that the staff at the sinfully expensive IOC hotel L'hôtel du Collectionneur went on strike, but swimming legends once again made it clear that their trust in the so-called fight against doping and the anti-doping system has been lost.

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Welcome to the French Olympic tax haven!

Welcome to the French Olympic tax haven!

Behind the massive IOC propaganda, the Paris Olympic Games are based on France’s extreme submission to the Gods of Olympism. Tax gifts, labour law, princely treatment, everything has been done to convince and seduce Bach and his supporters. A boon for the IOC.

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Broken promises

Broken promises

Days before the Paris Olympics, the usual problems are raising concerns. Budget overruns, security, outdated facilities, and transportation chaos. These issues bring to mind the campaign promises never kept by a government that has decided to shut the lid on all sporting mishaps before the Games.

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Living like God in France: IOC personality cult

Living like God in France: IOC personality cult

A cult of personality has ruled the IOC since 2013. Now God, some call him Louis Quatorze, is holding court in France. One of the most important questions of these Games in Paris: will IOC's propaganda department produce even more images of God than at the current record in Rio de Janeiro 2016?

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Saving Private Waberi!

Saving Private Waberi!

Souleiman Waberi, the third vice-president of CAF, suddenly resigned from his position as president of the Djiboutian Football Federation in March after being suspended by the Ministry of Sports. Although, Waberi – supported by IOC member Aïcha Garad Ali – is now heading towards the Paris Olympics.

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Bruno Gares. (Photo: IMAGO/PanoramiC)

Touche fatale: what's going on in French fencing?

A few month before the Olympic Games, heralded by the IOC as a renewal of the movement, French sports are still tainted by the most serious scandals at all levels. The latest instance being the mysterious departure of the former president of the fencing federation, Bruno Gares.

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Bruno Gares. (Photo: IMAGO/PanoramiC)

Touche fatale: que se passe-t-il dans l’escrime française ?

A la veille des Jeux olympiques, présentés par le CIO comme le renouveau du mouvement, le sport français reste marqué par les plus graves scandales à tous les niveaux. Dernier exemple en date: le départ mystérieux et les affaires de l'ancien président de la fédération d’escrime, Bruno Gares.

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