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The IOC, SportAccord, the IF Forum and Thomas Bach's friend Uğur Erdener

What is happening in Lausanne right now at the meeting of all Olympic and non-Olympic IFs? SportAccord continues to make itself superfluous in the interests of the IOC. The information provided by SportAccord and its stakeholders is a disaster. Pretentious. Is Uğur Erdener already president?

New alliances: Big spender from Saudi Arabia, IOC member and outgoing SportAccord president Ivo Ferriani. (Photo: SportAccord)

From today, representatives of more than 100 international federations and sports institutions will be meeting at the Capitale Olympique in Lausanne. SportAccord, a deeply dysfunctional organisation, has issued invitations to the IF Forum. Organisationally, it is pure chaos - with deeply frightening lack of information (allegedly also because email lists are said to have disappeared).

Many participants, federation presidents and general secretaries, have no information about which SportAccord stakeholder committee meetings are taking place this morning and whether there will also be a so-called General Assembly of SportAccord this morning, i.e. with the delegates of the stakeholders ASOIF, AIOWF, ARISF and AIMS, many of whom have played more than dubious roles in the recent past.

In short, after GAISF was dissolved a year ago under the auspices of the IOC, the former business arm of GAISF, SportAccord, is now making itself redundant.

The SportAccord executives Ivo Ferriani (IOC member, IOC Executive Board member, IBSF President, GAISF executioner and former SportAccord president) and a certain Martin Gibbs (so-called managing director) were apparently recently solely occupied with raking in money in the rogue sports state and new Olympic wonderland Saudi Arabia. There was no time for transparency and proper preparation of the IF Forum and information to all federations (not to mention the general public).

But are we surprised at a time when a possibly corrupt IOC member is proposing to change the Olympic Charter purely by chance in order to give the incumbent IOC President another term in office? In times when the basics of good governance are stuffed in the dustbin?

The IOC, Thomas Bach and fake good governance ... that immediately brings us back to the subject of SportAccord. Because imagine that at least the federation presidents should know this, but they don't:

SportAccord apparently already has a new president or will have one in a few minutes.

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How FIFA corruption works

How FIFA corruption works

In the podcast "How Crime Works", whistleblower Bonita Mersiades once again explained the FIFA system. Not much has changed in FIFA since the corrupt World Cup decisions on 2 December 2010 and the arrests on 27 May 2015 – FIFA is still labelled by several characteristics of a criminal organisation.

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