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Wording of the judgement against Sheikh Ahmad: "Selfish actions, bad collaboration, nil awarness of wrongdoing"

We provide subscribers with the latest judgement. Read the document and make up your own mind. Ahmad and his supporters are still lying. To this day, the Olympic family continues to perpetuate lie that the criminal conviction is somehow just a private matter – but the case shows Ahmad's true colors.

Last weekend, we presented new facts about the convicted criminal Sheikh Ahmad Al-Fahad Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah. But we want you to know more, which is why THE INQUISITOR is providing you with the court document that shines the light of truth on the matter, as such papers have done in other cases. So let's take a look together at the judgement of the Chambre pénale d'appel et de révision (CPAR) in Geneva against the eternal Olympic power broker Sheikh Ahmad and four servants he once paid.

Because it is important.

Ahmad's troops are acting as if this is about marginal matters, just a bit of forgery and fraud. A family feud and political dispute in Kuwait; just some rather trivial private dispute.

That's how the narrative went for over a decade in the so-called Olympic family.

It's a version of events that's been colossally shy of veracity for more than ten years.

Sheikh Ahmad has nevertheless remained an IOC member. In 2018, he suspended himself, an absurd loophole that is often granted to important IOC members and only possible because the almighty IOC deity Thomas Bach, once an ally of the Sheikh, turns a blind eye, to say the very least. In 2023, the IOC, whose so-called Ethics Commission has no independence whatsoever, suddenly found a reason to suspend Ahmad for three years in a dubious express procedure for another, far less scandalous and perhaps not even criminally relevant matter. 

We will leave aside the silly statements of those posing as ethicists in the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA), which was dominated by the Al-Sabah family for more than four decades, as well as  and in the Association of National Olympic Committees (ANOC).

Detailed summaries of these scandalous developments over the decades can be found here:

Sheikh Ahmad’s criminal conviction: back to Lausanne
Sheikh Ahmad Al-Sabah, the long-time associate of IOC president Thomas Bach, loses both his ministerial post in Kuwait and also in the appeal proceedings against his prison sentence in Switzerland – but his penalty is reduced.
Olympic Game of Thrones: Bach’s IOC suspends Sheikh Ahmad until after presidential election
One of the biggest crime stories in the Olympic world takes another surprising turn. The Executive Board of the IOC has suspended the highly influential Sheikh Ahmad Al-Sabah as an IOC member for three years. The consequences are hard to foresee. It has the potential to blow up the Olympic family.
Olympic powerbroker Sheikh Al-Sabah sentenced to prison
Sheikh Ahmad Al-Sabah has been sentenced to prison. Our author has observed the Kuwaiti Sheikh for many years and has been threatened by the Sheikh’s aides several times. He describes the methods that brought Ahmad to power and the implications of the conviction for Al-Sabah and the Olympic system.

Let's forget for a moment the Asian Handball Federation (AHF), where Ahmad's father Sheikh Fahad Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah presided, and in whose footsteps Ahmad also followed in the IOC, the OCA and elsewhere. In the AHF, Ahmad is also self-suspended but still mentioned as president on its website:

Screenshot AHF website, 25 January 2024

Let's move on to the important things and a place where it wasn't just the Olympic family that negated, or played down to an unacceptable extent, the criminal case of Al-Sabah for many years, a realm where lies and false allegations were constantly spread; where important officials have not even bothered to look at the indictments, judgements and numerous other documents.

Yes, be in no doubt: that's exactly what happened. They didn't even look at it.

I have spoken to many IOC members and federation leaders and supposed ethicists over the years who have admitted that they were unaware or unfamiliar with any of the documents. The usual procedure was, as outlined in the posts we link to above, as follows: Sheikh Ahmad explained to colleagues and so-called ethicists that everything was correct and that he was just a victim of dirty dealings. That was always enough. 

It remains the case, too. Sheikh Ahmad and his vassals in Kuwait and out there today spreading untruths about the details of the CPAR judgement in Geneva.

Allegedly, Ahmad has been largely exonerated and will soon be fully acquitted. You'll have to read this and other related nonsense. Like this, for example:

Let's take a look at the facts, one by one ...

We provide subscribers to THE INQUISITOR with the latest judgement in the original (French) and in an automated English translation (via DeepL).

So make up your own mind. But please do not forget the many other bribery scandals in which co-conspirator #2 in the Olympic family was and is involved. Sheikh Ahmad is a living Olympic scandal. Please repeat that to yourself as many times as it takes to sink in.

The conviction of Sheikh Ahmad handed down by the criminal court, the Tribunal correctionnel (TCO) in Geneva, in September 2021 was confirmed by the CPAR appeal report on 18 December 2023 – but the sentence was reduced. Ahmad still has to go to the Swiss Federal Court, which, funnily enough, resides in the Capitale Olympique in Lausanne, just two stone's throws away from the headquarters of World Aquatics, where another bribe payer and co-conspirator now resides as president: Ahmad's long-time right-hand man Husain Al-Musallamco-conspirator #3 in a criminal FIFA case, who is hoping for IOC membership and will do anything to get it.

Ahmad and four other people who had worked for him – Matthew Parish, Hamad Al-Haroun, Stoyan Baumeyer and Vitaliy Kozachenko – were convicted of fraud and forgery in Switzerland. At the heart of the case, in Kuwait, was the lie spread by Ahmad, based on forged videos, according to which the former Prime Minister Sheikh Nasser Al-Mohammed Al-Sabah and the former Speaker of Parliament, Jassim Al-Kharafi, had planned a coup against the Emir.

All false. All lies. Made up. 

Ahmad played the leading role in this criminal construct of lies. He handed over the fake videos to the Emir at the time, as summarised once again in the CPAR ruling ...

... the videos the former had handed over to the Kuwaiti authorities, allegedly attesting to acts of corruption and treason by Nasser Al-Sabah, former Prime Minister, and Jassim Alkharafi, former Speaker of the Kuwaiti Parliament. These acts allegedly took the form of an agreement to overthrow the Emir of Kuwait, financial transactions with Israel, as well as payments to Kuwaiti personalities, as well as other financial transactions involving large sums of money.

These charges could have led to the death sentences of Nasser Al-Sabah and Jassim Alkharafi.

Let us read again carefully:

These charges could have led to the death sentences of Nasser Al-Sabah and Jassim Alkharafi. 

For ten years this was distorted in the Olympic family in an absolutely mendacious and false manner as some kind of intra-Kuwaiti family feud. Private matter. Nothing to do with the Olympic family and therefore not to be penalised. 

This post is for subscribers only


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WADA is castrating the freedom of the press

WADA is castrating the freedom of the press

The World Anti-Doping Agency continues its war against the free press. For the WADA symposium in Lausanne next week, strict limits are being set for the (few) journalists. Among other things, social media posts that displease the WADA saints will be punished with the withdrawal of accreditation.

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